Thursday, January 7, 2010

What is the best motorcycle superbike oil?

castrol r4 superbike oilWhat is the best motorcycle superbike oil?
All name brand oils are good.

If you go synthetic it lasts longer and costs more

If you go conventional it must be change at 3K miles but costs 1/2 as much.

The oil is much less important than most think. the important part is changing it when needed.

Asking what oil is the best is just asking opinions. no one really knows which is best and today the oils out last the recommended changing intervals so which oil last when run dry or in worst case really does not matter.

I use Modile 1 in everything I own from my bikes, truck and Vett. I do this because I know it is good oil and i want the same for all vehicles. Makes life easier.What is the best motorcycle superbike oil?
O.K. you need to understand the difference in the weights of oil out there and most of the explain to you what their range is.

eg: 5W - 50 might be what you use! The 5 denotes the temperature range that your oil will work best in! ie: 10 degrees celius to 40 degrees celius!

The 50 has to do with what the oil has in it, but most of we need to know is on the front of the bottle.

Synthetic oil offers probably the best protection for your RUN IN ENGINE as it has better lubricity properties!

It will never be suggested to you to run in a brand new engine with full synthetic oil as it will never get the chance to bed the engine in!

There are also detergents that keep your engine oil clean, to prevent gumming up of parts and oil galeries.

But to us, the most important thing to look for is that you follow what type of oil you use for your given area ie: temperature range and consider using synthetic to prolong the life of your engine!

Don't let yourself think though that you can extend the life of your oil change by using synthetic!

If you don' trust the mechanic to put the oil in you want, do it yourself. It's easy and if you don't know, ask a few people and they will be more than willing to hepl you out. The filter gets done at the same time as well. Don't skip it!


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