Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Saudi King want oil prices at 75 bucks per barrel. Can we tell him to drink his oil?

We need to do our ';Homework'; and make the market so sweet for that old king that he can bath in his bloody oil for all we care. U.S must break our addiction to foreign oil period..The Saudi King want oil prices at 75 bucks per barrel. Can we tell him to drink his oil?
I told him to take a sip by purchasing a Pellet Stove to heat my home. I also installed an electric hot water heater with heavy insulation jacket, and tightened up my house. Every little bit helps in driving these pirates back into tents, with a camal in their driveway instead of a MercedesThe Saudi King want oil prices at 75 bucks per barrel. Can we tell him to drink his oil?
We could do that if we had drilled in the areas where we have our own oil but since the government didn't allow that to happen the Saudis have the upper hand.
I'm sure you noticed how he wasn't complaining all those years that oil prices were too high. **** him, he made his money, oil has been down for maybe a month and he wants to open his mouth. Classic.
I say let him go ahead and cut production and raise his price to 75 and see how the law of supply and demand works when everyone else is trying to dump oil for 55.
price of barrel=a buck 60... towel heads skiing ia middle of dessert

barrel drops to 55=drink oil just add a little Chinese instant coffee

y ask Y
well now that there is one of them getting ready to take over the presidents job we may get to keep our cheap oil prices that we have now
Yes, but until we either drill ANWAR, or off shore, or figure out how to put our own drinks in the fuel tank, I don't suggest it.
No, we need to start drilling offshore and in Alaska
We get 70% of our oil from Saudi. I suggest we figure out a better deal before we bite the hand. We do NOT want to be enemies with Saudi - Bush has been trying to ruin that relationship for 8 years. You people don't know crap. OPEC follows everything Saudi does.

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