Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Did Obama borrow Bwaney Fwanks kneepads for his trip over to see the Muslim King and beg for lower oil prices?

Obama bowed to him on his first trip, apologized to the Muslim world how bad America has treated them, and like Hillary said about Bush going over to beg for lower oil prices, Obama must have groveled on his hands and knees or if he didn't Obama has his oil buddies, which one say you?Did Obama borrow Bwaney Fwanks kneepads for his trip over to see the Muslim King and beg for lower oil prices?
No this time he used ummm Nancy uhhhh Pelosi's wellllll kneepadsDid Obama borrow Bwaney Fwanks kneepads for his trip over to see the Muslim King and beg for lower oil prices?
Our world would be a better place if neither of them were allowed to be ranked higher than dogcatchers.

In case you have not heard, Obama鈥檚 justice department is siding with the Saudi Royal family against the family of the 9/11 vicitims who are trying to sue the Saudi Royal family over 9/11.鈥?/a>
If Obama and his lefty minions would just let the ';American';, yes I said the ';American'; Oil Industry do what they can do better then anyone else we wouldn't be having to worry about raising oil prices. And did you know that our American Oil Companies, not only can find the oil faster, cheaper and safer then anybody else. But don't dare tell the 'lefties' in our congress, they'll never believe you!
OK, Bill, yes he's groveling. I don't think it will get him anywhere, even if he is the messiah.
He doesn't have too...He's a pro at this, all Dems cower and take it in the rear from our enemies. He's does take it eloquently though...
Someone seems jealous.
O f course not! He has his on kneepads ty!

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