Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Saudi king says oil should be raised to 75 a barrel , since they can't grow food over their , why ?

since they can't grow food over their , why don't we raise the price of food and see who needs which one more , food or oil , I say let them eat their oil for breakfast , mixed with some sand . What do you think ?Saudi king says oil should be raised to 75 a barrel , since they can't grow food over their , why ?
That's why we voted for Obama. To end our dependence on foreign oil. Republicans would have never thought of that since their pockets ore over flowing with Oil money. Yes, I think the Saudis can go to he((. Remember Bush went there and begged for lower oil prices? That was fake, Bush likes high oil prices, good for his retirement.Saudi king says oil should be raised to 75 a barrel , since they can't grow food over their , why ?
Oil price cannot be raised or reduced by one country, OPEC is in charge of oil price. Arabs are not the only ones who are benefited by high oil price. America cannot decide about food price because it is not the only producer. Arabs buy much of their basic foods from the neighbor countries such as us Iran. Actually your are boss of nothing, I think we should only sell to Europa, China and russia, then we will see who really needs who? Maybe you do by the the rest of the world does not rely on McDonald's for food. By the way mind your auto-industries and... before talking about others.

He should increase his price to whatever he wants, doesn't mean he can sell it. Damn Saudis have stashed away trillions and now are complaining about the price of oil? They can shove it. A few months ago when oil was over $100 per barrel, they did not increase their output, but to get to that $75 they will decrease oil supplies.
Sounds like the King is getting a bit pissy after we decided to slow oil consumption. Ha ha ha King, you can't afford a solid gold Mercedes any more. My heart bleeds for you.
If his majesty the Sultan would spend less money on supporting Islamic terrorist than maybe he have money for food.
That's how you know the whole supply %26amp; demand theory surrounding oil is a sham and a farce.
Because they need to sell oil at US$75 a barrel in order to import the require food supply the kingdom needs.
I never heard him complain when it was over $150
Oil should go up

(My oil stocks need a boost)

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