Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is it possibl that these greedy Sultans and Kings of CRUDE oil R using their poor 2 become soldiers of terror?

All with the help of their co-conspirators in oil around the world have driven up the cost of oil from 32 dollars a barrel when Bush took office 7 years ago to over a hundred now-please don't say it's supply and demand like OPEC doesn't have control over the amount they release to cover the demand-because the yen in China is still no where near worth what the dollar is-especially since the average Chinese is only making 1/2 yen a day-the numbers really don't add up-so if demand goes up automatically every year because that is the way it is-what happens if the arabs don't increase production like they did in the past-aren't we all jus being played?Is it possibl that these greedy Sultans and Kings of CRUDE oil R using their poor 2 become soldiers of terror?
YES. Its been going on since WWI. On youtube type in ----CFR----- and see what you get. We (Americans are being played) Our constitution has gone down the barrel. Find out for yourself, but realize one thing. Big corrupted governments don't care about anyone but them selfs. Its been proven Time and Time again. International Banks own us. Time to do something about it.

Ron Paul is a good start.Is it possibl that these greedy Sultans and Kings of CRUDE oil R using their poor 2 become soldiers of terror?
Duh? Do you think?


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