Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Will U.S. President George W. Bush keep running over to Saudi Arabia to grovel at the feet of the Oil Kings?

U.S. President George W. Bush has been taking trips to Saudi Arabia to fall on his knee's and groveling at the feet of the Saudi Kings and royalty to boost production which OPEC has already said will not be increased under any circumstances, including America under full attack and in need of oil for its military and protection! The Saudi's also told George W. Bush not to enter Saudi Arabia with his false Christian bible or face severe imprisonment to which George W. Bush agreed to leave his religion back home in America! So Americans need to know their president goes to Saudi Arabia, gets on his knee's and begs to have oil production increased while the Saudi's make him give praise and honor to the Islamic religion, forsaking Christianity and denying the very existence of Jesus Christ! Do not say..where does it say that happened, just ask the U.S. State Department if our President can take a Bible with him in Saudi Arabia? Barack Obama says he will hand carry a bible to Saudi Arabia!Will U.S. President George W. Bush keep running over to Saudi Arabia to grovel at the feet of the Oil Kings?
i agree with you, bush has sold our country to saudis

do you know that 1/4th of our big corporations stocks are held by saudis and chinese

saudis decide our oil prices, we owe 1 trillion to china

its all because of bush, he sold AmericaWill U.S. President George W. Bush keep running over to Saudi Arabia to grovel at the feet of the Oil Kings?
That's gratitude for you! It could be that we attacked Iraq to placate Saudi Arabia. And now that we've gone into Iraq and burned up our treasure, suddenly Saudi tells Li'l Bush to screw himself (with prejudice).

That's the same bunch that hit the Trade Center, but we couldn't attack them - we were too busy buttering them up.

8 wasted years of Bush - too bad we didn't have real leadership.
You have got to be joking right? Where do you read this s**t at? Let me guess , some left wing propaganda paper like the post or the times. No standing US President is going to beg for anything. Get a clue .....DEM LIB.....As for Osama Obama, he will never be elected in this country as President.....put the pipe down and join the real world
we really need that oil... leaving the bible nah groveling nah. we need a modern day hiroshima. we are the most powerful and our people should live as such. Our prices are lower than many places for gasoline, however if we can put a man on the moon we can make gas $2 a gal again......
Aren't they good friends? Isn't that the reason they don't hold the Saudi Arabia Gov't for their part in giving guns to the Militants in Iraq? Well Saudis are the ones that 9/11 so I would say they aren't our friends.
Bush is pathetic. Nobody takes him seriously. Not even the Oil Kings.

@Ndugu: Bush is only able to make war or to grovel. Obama can negotiate.
So long as the libbies refuse to let the country drill in places, such as ANWR, that have plenty of oil so as to make us oil independent from Saudi Arabia and other places we import it from.
Oh I see.

If Obama talks to Iran, it's negotiating.

If Bush talks to Saudi Arabia, it's groveling.
So talking with our allies is a problem. Huh. Oh, I get it. It's a problem if President Bush does it.

BTW I want to see the picture of Bush on his knees, as you say. Surely you have a link.
geeezzz,I missed that groveling part ! dumbo,we can make the kingdom disappear in seconds and they know is all about politics and you are too young to understand or too stupid.chill,I am truly being kind......
I'm sure he will but I don't see any of his potential successors being serious about telling them to take their oil and pump it back where the sun don't shine.
That's better than someone who wants to grovel at the feet of our enemies.
Bush is the reason why john mccain wont get elected

he has too many fcuk ups
Bandar bush ...I love it when they meet after a long time...they hold hands like they are in love with each other...gross
No they said next time they're going to send Woody Woodburn!
according to some conspiracy rumors, bush is in league with the saudi's and is profiting from the cost of gas going up. the visits to beg for increased production is just for show.

whatever happened to the supposed large quantities of oil we have in Alaska? I hear that's being sold to Japan, instead of us Americans using it- even though its from American soil, and therefore ours. I've also read there is large amounts of oil to be found in the middle region of the country, but isn't being used, or being sold elsewhere.

then again, for every report i read that america has large quantities of oil but is being diverted elsewhere, i read that america is desperate and at the mercy of buying its oil from the middle east. who to believe? i don't know.
I don;t know if this is true or not. It's a moot point. The only g-d either of them believe in is OIL. It's not even money. Obama carrying the bible to Saudi Arabia. That's something I don;t think he'll do. Saudi Arabia only allows Christians to enter for work purposes, and during their time in country they are not allowed to practice their faith. It goes for George Bush and Barack Obama as it would go for you or I.

As far as Mr. H's comment.

If any one government is truly the enemy, Saudi Arabia is that government. 15 of the 19 Hijackers.. oh yeah, and ..what's his name again.. Bin something.. Bin Laden. Right. You want to talk about sleeping with the enemy, you just go ahead and google up the terms ';Bin Laden'; and ';George Bush';. Or did Fox not cover that one for ya?
If its the Law of the land that only the Curran will be accepted our president of any party must abide by it. as to graveling for oil, what is he supposed to do! We forced him into this ourselves! the people of this country! Back in the 70's people were petrified by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska and several smaller spills and the nation was on a mother nature needs us kick, We said NO WAY to any and all new off shore oil drilling and any oil drilling where it might impact endangered rodents etc. and so they stopped searching and drilling for new supplies Here and began to purchase they're shortages from whoever would sell them it at the best price. when the Saudi's and other OPEC Nations realized they had us by the ****'s we lost our ability to maintain reasonable fuel prices. they (OPEC) now ran the show and if they were feeling generous we got it reasonable but if they were say pressured by nations such as Iran to make us pay threw the nose they would. even if we allow drilling again today the results will take many tears to trickle back down to us.

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