Friday, December 18, 2009

Will gasoline in your motorcycle oil sump immediately ruin your engine?

I only ran the engine for about 30 seconds after fixing my carbs . Do you think I ruined my engine??Will gasoline in your motorcycle oil sump immediately ruin your engine?
Not immediately,but fuel is a solvent and will break the oil down.Drain and replace oil filter and oil.Will gasoline in your motorcycle oil sump immediately ruin your engine?
No... you should be fine.. but drain and replace the oil or let time and the evaporation process of the fuel to take place. You want to avoid having the fuel combust in the crank case where it could cause damage if it ignites in the crank.

I might choose to change the oil and filter just be 100% sure.
Make sure you drain the oil. Change filter put in new oil. Run the bike a few miles. then do another oil change and filter.
Oil is cheap compared to repairing a damaged engine. I tell people, ';When in doubt, drain it out.';
30 seconds you SHOULD be ok.

But drain/refill the oil, as the gas will dilute/thin it.
not for that length of time, drain oil fill with new

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