Friday, December 18, 2009

Where can I get a motorcycle oil change?

I'm new to bikes ive never seen motorcycles at the shop when I get oil changes. do i need to take the bike to a bike shop?Where can I get a motorcycle oil change?
1 bolt on the bottom of the case and the drains it and the oil filter is generally right behind the front wheel under the radiator.

Takes 5 minuets!

Not to mention it is a good way to stay in tune with your bike, it is after all a part of you...Where can I get a motorcycle oil change?
i think in garage
In the garage.
How can you ride a bike you know nothing about? What happens if it's late at night %26amp; your ';cell'; dies? I guess you'll die by the side of the road. Take the time to learn the basics. You should never get on your bike without doing a quick walk around inspection. I'm not saying you have to be Mr. Goodwrench, but at least learn the basics.
Obviously you need to take your motorcycle to shop.

The oil change and servicing schedule is mentioned in the owner book that has come with the motorcycle. The schedule is dependent on both time and distance traveled.
It is easier on a bike, assuming that you can get easy access to the oil filter without removing alot of plastic. Any motorcycle dealer will do it for you, but on most bikes, it's a 20 min job (or less) if you have the basic tools to remove the filter, and the drain plug directly under the bike.
yes of course..where else?
You can take it to a bike shop or dealer if you don't want to do it yourself.

IN GENERAL: Its easier than your car, and more expensive than a car if you have the shop do it.

Some models are a little more complicated than others.
dude take it to anyone who knows anything about bikes thats the first thin i learned how to do
Buy an old British bike from the sixties or earlier - the leak that badly that you get an oilchange while riding them! (as long as you remember to keep topping the oiltank up)
its a very easy job to do yourself, try it, also saves money!

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