Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is it fair that The King of Kuwait wants us to pay $75.00 a barrel for oil?

When we saved their butts from Saddam? Did they ever pay us back? Oh, that's right they hate us now too.Is it fair that The King of Kuwait wants us to pay $75.00 a barrel for oil?
No one is making you buy it. You can vote for the communist or the republican party if you don't like the free market.Is it fair that The King of Kuwait wants us to pay $75.00 a barrel for oil?
';Life isn't fair.';

Here's another thing to consider. I don't like spending $4 a gallon for gas either. I'm very, very thankful that gas went down in price. But for America being a capitalist country, I certainly hear a lot of complaining when people aren't the one making the profits....
o well nothing u can do about it...u need gas right
';Fair'; is a whining word.

Let's be specific: It's not your oil.

They can charge whatever they want.

I repeat, It's not your oil.

Kuwait has always hated America. Despite what you have heard in the news, they are terrible repressive and ardent foes of both Israel and the United States. Their government owes us one for saving their asses from Saddam HUSSEIN (note the same middle name as our current Figurehead-in-Chief Elect Barack HUSSEIN Obama), but they still wish we were dead.
Actually it was the Saudi Royal family that said that
Anyone who believes in a free market system %26amp; a capitalist society would not consider the fairness in Kuwait making the most of this.....we are greedy consumers who are dependent on others for that with which we consume most %26amp; refuse to give up...
The Saudies need at least $65 to pay thier bills so $75 isn't a bad price. Once oil dipped below $70 a lot of projects got cancelled up here (in Alberta) and unless it goes back up and stays above $70 you're going to see a lot of guys out of work very quickly.
These (KINGS) have expensive taste..they need another Pleasure Palace and trips to the Casinos around the world and 54 wives to support
it was the king of saudi arabia

the kuwaitis paid every cent back immediatly

so you dont approve of free enterprise your a communist?

should bread prices be controled too?

what about computers?
They're not gonna just give it to us for free. Unfortunately we don't have enough oil here to support ourselves, and other countries know we will pay any price for it because we have a few cultural flaws that cause us to use way more oil than other countries. (Spaced out suburbs, big suvs and trucks, lack of good public transportation) It is essential for us to reduce our foreign oil dependency.

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